Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia (CFWA)

Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia (CFWA)

CFWA is the peak body for all people living with CF in Western Australia. They provide a comprehensive range of services, in home support, resources, education and advocacy. They engage in and support national research. the CFWA website includes heaps of resources and factsheets about living with CF as well as stories from the CF community. Read More

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Cystic Fibrosis Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Cystic Fibrosis Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

CFACT is the peak body for people living with CF in ACT. They provide supports services that focus on reducing the burden of CF as well as events. Read More

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Ronald McDonald Learning Program

Ronald McDonald Learning Program

The Ronald McDonald Learning Program assists school-aged children with serious illnesses and injuries to catch up on missed education following treatment and recovery. They provide a suite of educational support services, including therapy sessions and one-on-one tutorials, tailored to students’ individual needs. Read More

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Youth Law Australia

Youth Law Australia

Youth Law Australia, also known as Lawstuff, provide free, confidential, online legal advice, assistance and referrals for young people. They provide a range of information on topics such as work, sex and dating, moving out of home and cyberbullying. Read More

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CF at school

CF at school

A collection of CFNZ resources for teachers and schools, parents and young children (such as siblings, class mates, and friends), explaining how to support a child with CF at school. Read More

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Supporting a family with CF

Supporting a family with CF

This CFNZ resource is for friends and family who would like to know some practical and emotional ways to support someone they know with a child with CF. This includes a link to A guide to cystic fibrosis for family, whānau and friends. Read More

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Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand (CFNZ)

Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand (CFNZ)

CFNZ is the peak consumer body for people living with CF in New Zealand. They focus on support, research, funding, and advocacy. CFNZ manages the national CF data registry and leads the national research strategy. They have useful information about CF and living with CF, including supporting a family with CF, parenting a child with CF, family planning, CF at school and work, and travelling with CF. Read More

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Cystic Fibrosis Tasmania (CFT)

Cystic Fibrosis Tasmania (CFT)

CFT is the peak body for all people living with CF in Tasmania. They provide a range of services including counselling and financial support, educational support and advocacy. Read More

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Cystic Fibrosis South Australia (CFSA)

Cystic Fibrosis South Australia (CFSA)

CFSA is the peak body for all people living with CF in South Australia. CFSA provides access to information, support services, advocacy, education and practical support. They also contribute to national research. They have information about CF and living with CF on their website. Read More

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Cystic Fibrosis Queensland (CFQLD)

Cystic Fibrosis Queensland (CFQLD)

CFQLD is the peak body for all people living with CF in Queensland. CFQLD provides support services, advocacy, education, research funding and practical support. They host a range of information and resources on their website about CF and living with CF as well as links to CF Smart (education program) and CFStrong (information for young adults and adults living with CF). Read More

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