The Living Well with CF (LWWCF) initiative aims to support physical, psychological and social health and wellbeing by empowering those living with CF as patients, carers and family, to “live well” on their own terms.
We do this by enabling access to up-to-date, quality information, resources and supports and by fostering improved care, communication, connection, and collaboration across the CF community.
Maximising holistic biopsychosocial Care, Connection, Communication, and Collaboration across the CF community
Living Well with CF (LWWCF) is a clinician-led initiative informed by lived experience – we aim to unite health professionals, health and community organisations, people with CF, carers and family through a shared goal of empowerment. Working within the four pillars of Care, Connection, Communication and Collaboration, we explore what living well with CF means, define unmet needs and enable access to up-to-date, quality information, resources and supports to empower those living with CF to live well.
Supporting those living with CF to best manage their health, life and Live Well has never been more of a priority amidst the changing landscape of CF and its treatment.1-3 In 2022, the LWWCF initiative engaged clinicians and consumers with lived experience to ask the questions “what does living well with CF mean?” and “what is needed to support those with CF to Live Well?”
The outcomes have informed a program of work designed to empower those living with CF to not only manage, but Live Well, with optimal agency, wellbeing, health and quality of life.

Support for People Living with CF
Explore the LWWCF Directory of information, resources and supports. Access LWWCF Insights resources about Living Well with CF.

About the LWWCF initiative
Learn more about LWWCF, Our journey, Strategic direction, and the LWWCF Steering Group.

Partner With Us
Learn more about our Sponsors and Partners, and opportunities to Partner with us in the LWWCF initiative.
The LWWCF Directory
At the heart of the LWWCF website is the LWWCF Directory, developed to connect people living with CF and healthcare teams in Australia and New Zealand with information, resources and supports to empower those living with CF to Live Well.
We recognise that a wide range of quality resources and supports already exist for people living with CF. The challenge is knowing where to find up-to-date and quality information when it is needed. Therefore, rather than creating new materials or duplicating resources, LWWCF has started by curating high-quality, relevant, existing materials and providing easy access to these via the LWWCF Directory.
Explore the latest from the LWWCF Directory
Social health and wellbeing
Finding a career that fits you
This fact sheet provides some steps to consider prior to embarking on a career journey, as a person with CF. This fact sheet is…
This fact sheet provides some steps to consider prior to embarking on a career journey, as a person with CF. This fact sheet is available via the CFStrong website.
Formats: PDFResource
Audiences: Adolescent with CFAdult with CFPerson with CF
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Community Care
Social health and wellbeing
Resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn
This factsheet provides tips on how to prepare your resume, cover letter and linkedIn profile when job hunting. This fact sheet is available via…
This factsheet provides tips on how to prepare your resume, cover letter and linkedIn profile when job hunting. This fact sheet is available via the CFStrong website.
Formats: PDFResource
Audiences: Adolescent with CFAdult with CFPerson with CF
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Community Care
Social health and wellbeing
This factsheet provides tips on preparing for an interview process. This fact sheet is available via the CFStrong website.
This factsheet provides tips on preparing for an interview process. This fact sheet is available via the CFStrong website.
Formats: PDFResource
Audiences: Adolescent with CFAdult with CFPerson with CF
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Community Care
Activities and hobbies
CFStrong: Balancing CF and Life
Information and resources about balancing CF and life, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their…
Information and resources about balancing CF and life, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience.
Formats: PDFResourcesvideosWebpage
Audiences: Adolescent with CFAdult with CFCarerEmployerFamily of a person with CFFriend of a person with CFGPHealth ProfessionalNursing staffOffspring of a person with CFOtherParent of a person with CFPartner of a person with CFPerson with CFSibling of a person with CFSocial worker
Source: Cystic Fibrosis Community Care
The LWWCF initiative was initiated and funded by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, our foundation sponsor. The LWWCF website, Directory and LWWCF-owned resources (including LWWCF Insights and worksheets) were developed independently via partnerships between the LWWCF Steering Group and The Med Collective, the medical education agency behind LWWCF. External resources and supports shared via the LWWCF Directory have been developed by the individuals and organisations acknowledged in the Directory.

The resources in the LWWCF website and resource directory should be used in consultation with your health care practitioner or mental health professional.
References: 1. Smith BA, et al. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016;51(S44):S71-S78. 2. Havermans T and Staab D. Thorax. 2016;71(1):1-2. 3. Balfour-Lynn IM and King JA. Pediatr Respir Rev. 2022. 2022;42:3-8.