Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


Queensland Community Access Scheme (QCSS)

Queensland Community Access Scheme (QCSS)

QCSS provides support services that maintain and promote independence and quality of life for individuals with a disability, chronic health condition or mental health condition who do not meet eligibility for the NDIS. Read More

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Queensland Health Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS)

Queensland Health Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS)

QLD: PTSS provides subsidised travel for residents of Queensland who need to travel more than 50 km to access a specialist health service. An application must be made before travelling so approval can be obtained. Visit your local hospital Patient Travel Office for more information. Read More

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New South Wales Health Transport for Health (IPTAAS)

New South Wales Health Transport for Health (IPTAAS)

NSW: IPTAAS provides subsidised travel for residents of New South Wales resident who live more than 100 km from your specialist service. A referral from your medical professional is required. Read More

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Australian Capital Territory Interstate Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (IPTAS)

Australian Capital Territory Interstate Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (IPTAS)

ACT: IPTAS supports permanent residents of the ACT to access specialist medical treatment and oral surgical health care (excluding routine dental work) outside of the ACT by assisting with travel and accommodation costs. Read More

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Northern Territory Government Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS)

Northern Territory Government Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS)

NT: PATS provides financial help for travel and accommodation expenses if you need to travel a long distance to see an approved medical specialist. You must be referred by a medical professional to the nearest approved specialist. Read More

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Victorian Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

Victorian Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

VIC: VPTAS covers some of the travel and accommodation costs to and from the hospital for families who live more than 100km from the hospital. Read More

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South Australia Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS)

South Australia Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS)

SA: PATS provides financial assistance towards people’s transport and accommodation costs when they’re required to travel more than 100km each way to access necessary medical specialist services that are not available locally. Read More

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Western Australia Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS)

Western Australia Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS)

WA: PATS provides subsidies to assist with travel and accommodation costs associated with accessing a specialist medical service are available for eligible patients. Read More

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CarerHelp provides access to high quality information and resources to help you feel informed, prepared and supported if you are caring for someone who is seriously ill. The website can connect you to services, help you to engage with healthcare teams and look after yourself. Read More

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Family planning

Family planning

A CFNZ guide for family planning for people with CF and their partners, including links to further information about genetics of CF, and support services. Read More

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