Carer Skills – Social Connections
The Carer Gateway has a range of online skills courses to support wellbeing and understanding of legal responsibilities relating to the caring role. This module focuses on the impact of caring on your relationships with others and provides practical tips to increase social connectedness. Each free online self-paced learning modules takes 20–40 minutes to complete and you can download your responses to questions in the module to use as a resource and reminder. Read More
Read MoreCystic Fibrosis Western Australia (CFWA)
CFWA is the peak body for all people living with CF in Western Australia. They provide a comprehensive range of services, in home support, resources, education and advocacy. They engage in and support national research. the CFWA website includes heaps of resources and factsheets about living with CF as well as stories from the CF community. Read More
Read MoreCarerHelp
CarerHelp provides access to high quality information and resources to help you feel informed, prepared and supported if you are caring for someone who is seriously ill. The website can connect you to services, help you to engage with healthcare teams and look after yourself. Read More
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