Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


CFStrong: Getting the language right

CFStrong: Getting the language right

A health practitioners guide to writing reports, letters, forms, and assessments for the NDIS, available on the CFStrong website. Read More

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CFStrong: Financial Wellbeing

CFStrong: Financial Wellbeing

Information and resources about financial wellbeing, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: End of Life Care

CFStrong: End of Life Care

Information and resources about end of life care, available on the CFStrong website, including information about care options and planning, superannuation and wills. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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Mental Health

Mental Health

CFWA provides various factsheets for people with CF, carers, and family. This includes information on anxiety and young people, depression and young people, loneliness and isolation, mental health care plan and rebates, procedural anxiety in young people and adults, spoon theory and post traumatic stress disorder (see Mental health section). Read More

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Government Subsidies

Government Subsidies

A summary of information about concessions and subsidies offered by the federal and Queensland Government, from heating, gas and electricity rebates to Centrelink and Medicare rebates The article provides direct links to relevant pages on the relevant websites. Read More

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Living with CF for Adults

Living with CF for Adults

Information about airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, medications and procedures, comorbidities and complications, infection and prevention control, hospital support, fertility and parenting with CF, employment and travel. Read More

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Living with CF for Young People

Living with CF for Young People

Information about managing CF, airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, medications and procedures, comorbidities and complications, infection and prevention control, hospital support, emotional wellbeing, sexual health, school and work and travel. Read More

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Living with CF for Children

Living with CF for Children

Information about airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, medications and procedures, infection and prevention control, comorbidities and complications, emotional wellbeing, behavioural support, the CF clinic and hospital, school and day-care, travel and general health. Read More

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Living with CF for Young People

Living with CF for Young People

Resources on managing CF, mental health and wellbeing, talking about CF, transition, secondary school, socialising, sexual health, getting a job, travel and concessions and benefits, transplants, university and further study. Read More

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Living with CF for Children

Living with CF for Children

Resources on managing CF, mental health and wellbeing, talking about CF, childcare and preschool, primary school, travel and concessions and benefits. Read More

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