Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


Living with CF for Children

Living with CF for Children

Resources on managing CF, mental health and wellbeing, talking about CF, childcare and preschool, primary school, travel and concessions and benefits. Read More

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What is CF?

What is CF?

Resources on CF symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and genetic testing. Read More

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Living with CF

Living with CF

An overview of life with CF across the lifespan. Read More

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CF Standards of Care

CF Standards of Care

The CF Standards of Care guidelines for Australia and New Zealand, primarily for health professionals but of interest to other people living with CF. Developed by the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Social Work Interest Group, published in on the Cystic Fibrosis Australia website. These guidelines are currently being updated in 2023. Read More

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My Exercise Record

My Exercise Record

A record to keep track of your goals and achievements when it comes to exercise. Read More

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CF FIT: Exercise and CF for Personal Trainers

CF FIT: Exercise and CF for Personal Trainers

A guide for personal trainers, designed to provide information about cystic fibrosis (CF) and how it may affect an individual in an exercise or sporting environment. Read More

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CF FIT: Exercise and CF for People Living With CF

CF FIT: Exercise and CF for People Living With CF

Guides for people living with CF, personal trainers. Read More

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Living with CF

Living with CF

An overview of the challenges of living with CF across the lifespan, from diagnosis, to CF management, adolescence, mental health, getting a job, and having a family. Read More

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Exercise and Sport

Exercise and Sport

Information on fluids in sport and eating and drinking during exercise. Available via CFA's Facts, Figures and Publications page. Read More

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Life with CF

Life with CF

An brief overview of living with CF from Cystic Fibrosis Australia, with link to CFA's CF Donut health portal. Read More

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