Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


General Health

General Health

Factsheets on exercise for children and adults, smoking, summertime and CF and toilet training for toddlers. Read More

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Airway Clearance

Airway Clearance

Factsheets on airway clearance techniques, autogenic drainage, baby PEP, huff and cough, MPD and percussion, physio tips for toddlers, physio routines and organisation, positive expiratory pressure. Read More

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Living with CF for Adults

Living with CF for Adults

Information about airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, medications and procedures, comorbidities and complications, infection and prevention control, hospital support, fertility and parenting with CF, employment and travel. Read More

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Living with CF for Young People

Living with CF for Young People

Information about managing CF, airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, medications and procedures, comorbidities and complications, infection and prevention control, hospital support, emotional wellbeing, sexual health, school and work and travel. Read More

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Living with CF for Children

Living with CF for Children

Information about airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, medications and procedures, infection and prevention control, comorbidities and complications, emotional wellbeing, behavioural support, the CF clinic and hospital, school and day-care, travel and general health. Read More

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Living with CF for Newborns

Living with CF for Newborns

Information about services, managing CF, the CF clinic and hospital airway clearance, the digestive system and nutrition, medications and procedures, infection and prevention control, emotional wellbeing, day care and summer and CF. Read More

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About CF

About CF

Information about CF genes, how you get CF, symptoms, treatment and infection control. Read More

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The First 12 Months

The First 12 Months

An overview of CF in the first 12 months of life with CF, and what to expect. Includes a link to The first 12 months handbook. Read More

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Living with CF for Newly Diagnosed

Living with CF for Newly Diagnosed

Information for newly diagnosed families with CF and links to the Baby Steps program for more information. Read More

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Living with CF for Young People

Living with CF for Young People

Resources on managing CF, mental health and wellbeing, talking about CF, transition, secondary school, socialising, sexual health, getting a job, travel and concessions and benefits, transplants, university and further study. Read More

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