Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


Infection Control

Infection Control

CFWA provides various factsheets for people with CF, carers, and family. This includes information on cepacia, common infections, Pseudomonas, immunizations, infection and prevention control and the flu. (See infection control section) Read More

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Advances in CF treatment have resulted in people living longer healthier lives, however some people will still require an organ transplant to further prolong their lives. This link provides information on lung transplant, transplant support and other available resources. Read More

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Medications and Procedures

Medications and Procedures

CFWA provides various factsheets for people with CF, carers, and family. This includes information on bronchoscopy, CFTR modulator therapies, enzymes, lung transplant, mediations, nebulisers, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), pill swallowing, ports and spirometry (see Medications and procedures section). Read More

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Mental Health

Mental Health

CFWA provides various factsheets for people with CF, carers, and family. This includes information on anxiety and young people, depression and young people, loneliness and isolation, mental health care plan and rebates, procedural anxiety in young people and adults, spoon theory and post traumatic stress disorder (see Mental health section). Read More

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Travel with CF

Travel with CF

CFWA factsheets on travel tips for adults and when travelling with children (see Travel with CF section). Read More

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CFStrong: Lifestyle

CFStrong: Lifestyle

Information and resources about lifestyle and CF, available on the CFStrong website. This section includes information on hobbies, relationships, school, study, careers and travelling with CF. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Family Planning

CFStrong: Family Planning

Information and resources about family planning, relationships, sexual health and CF, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: End of Life Care

CFStrong: End of Life Care

Information and resources about end of life care, available on the CFStrong website, including information about care options and planning, superannuation and wills. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Mental wellbeing for Adults

CFStrong: Mental wellbeing for Adults

Information and resources about mental wellbeing, available on the CFStrong website, including the importance of self care, working with your healthcare team, managing CF treatments, procedural anxiety, and more. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Mental Wellbeing of Loved Ones

CFStrong: Mental Wellbeing of Loved Ones

Information and resources about mental wellbeing for loved ones, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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