Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


CFStrong: Mental Wellbeing of Loved Ones

CFStrong: Mental Wellbeing of Loved Ones

Information and resources about mental wellbeing for loved ones, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Psychosocial Wellbeing for Adults

CFStrong: Psychosocial Wellbeing for Adults

Information and resources about psychosocial wellbeing, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Physical Wellbeing for Adults

CFStrong: Physical Wellbeing for Adults

Information and resources about physical wellbeing, available on the CFStrong website, including the role for exercise and fitness, and managing CF treatments. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFPhysio – for healthcare professionals

CFPhysio – for healthcare professionals

Physiotherapy information and learning management system for healthcare professionals working with individuals with CF. Read More

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CFPhysio – for people with CF and caregivers

CFPhysio – for people with CF and caregivers

Information and resources about physiotherapy treatment and management for individuals with CF, parents and caregivers. Read More

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About CF

About CF

Information about CF genes, how you get CF, symptoms, treatment and infection control. Read More

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CF Diagnosis

CF Diagnosis

Information about newborn screening, sweat testing, late diagnosis, supports and other useful resources. Read More

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Genetic Carrier Screening

Genetic Carrier Screening

Information about carrier screening, what it is and useful contacts. Read More

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Living with CF for Newborns

Living with CF for Newborns

Information about services, managing CF, the CF clinic and hospital airway clearance, the digestive system and nutrition, medications and procedures, infection and prevention control, emotional wellbeing, day care and summer and CF. Read More

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Living with CF for Children

Living with CF for Children

Information about airway clearance, exercise, nutrition, medications and procedures, infection and prevention control, comorbidities and complications, emotional wellbeing, behavioural support, the CF clinic and hospital, school and day-care, travel and general health. Read More

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