Living Well With Cystic Fibrosis


CFStrong: Transplant

CFStrong: Transplant

Information and resources about lung transplant as a treatment in CF, available on the CFStrong website. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Moving to Adult Care

CFStrong: Moving to Adult Care

Information and resources about moving to adult CF care, available on the CFStrong website, including information about what transitioning means, support available, and commonly asked questions. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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CFStrong: Changing Clinics

CFStrong: Changing Clinics

Information and resources about changing CF clinics, available on the CFStrong website, including information about transitioning to adult care as well as moving to a new clinic locally interstate or overseas. CFStrong includes stories from people living with CF who share their experience. Read More

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